InTeMIS – ICT based Flipped Learning in VET Schools and Centers
InTeMIS was an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project which had as a main objective to train VET teachers and trainers in the use of the most innovative teaching strategies and to implement in VET schools and Centers the Flipped Learning Methodology, focusing on a specific topic: “English language learning”. The objective was also to improve teacher and students digital literacy and increase motivation of both students and teachers, enhance academic success, improve social skills of students, make students love their school and lessons so to contribute to reduce early school leaving and, generally, to develop schools’ teaching and learning.
The project has produced several results which support effectively VET teachers and trainers who would like to implement the Flipped Learning Methodology in their classroom. These results are the following:
Comparative Research on innovative education in Europe: The research is aimed at giving an overview of the innvoative education in European Countries, with a specific focus on the application of Flipped Classroom Methodology in the Countries of the Partnership of IN.TE. M.I.S.: Italy, Iceland, Portugal, Greece and Spain.
Guidelines for blended Learning: The Guidelines for the Implementation of blended learning environments have been developed by the project partnership to support teachers and trainers in knowing more about the Flipped Learning and helping them in adopting and implementing it in their learning environments.
E-Learning Course: E-learning platform which includes a presentation of flipped learning, guidelines & tools, methods & materials, information on the project and many e.xtra resources