Train & Compete was a transnational project co-financed by the Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation program that had as a main aim to compare existing model for trainers’ competences developed in the SYS trainer project with continuous teacher-training methods and models in the countries involved. The project aimed also to identify needs, gaps and examples of good practice and to implement the results in the Web environment from the CAST and VQMS project, thus allowing not only the design of teachers’ and trainers’ competences, but also offering the system for the recognition of the learning achievements.
The special emphasis was put to the acquisition of competences in the work place and to the RPLO (Recognition of Prior Learning Outcomes), thus implementing the VET trainers’ and teachers learning achievements and their accreditation through the organisational HRM (Human Resources Management) system.
The main objectives of the project were the following:
– To identify new skills and competences required by teachers and trainers to enable them to fulfil a changed and wider variety of roles than at present and use new pedagogical instruments effectively.
– To compare continuous teacher-training models in different countries.
– To identify examples of good practice in continuous teacher-training.
– To identify existing barriers perceived by teachers and trainers to their professional development.
– To enrich future developments in the field by sharing good practice between countries and/or contexts.
– To identify non-formal learning with RPLO.
– To develop a common European system for teachers’ and trainers lifelong learning and for the accreditation of their learning achievements.
The project was implemented by a consortium of 7 partners from 6 countries. It was coordinated by Balear Development and Training Co. and Action Synergy participated as a partner.