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The second meeting of the project INTEMIS took place in Porto and was hosted by Universidade Portucalense. The project aims to introduce ICT based Flipped Learning in VET Schools and Centers in order to increase the quality of teaching and learning, to reduce early school leaving, to decrease the number of under-skilled teenagers and ultimately to support the modernization of education and training systems. Coordinator of the project is Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Leonardo da Vinci from Italy.

Photo Gallery from the INTEMIS meeting in Porto

INTEMIS meeting in Porto

The first day of the meeting the focus was on Essenia’s research on the situation in Italy concerning the needs and the knowledge of ICT based education. Moreover, the partners presented the education and dissemination activities that took part in their countries the previous months. The following day we focused on the organisation of the first training course that is going to take part in Spain hosted by Inercia Digital and on the organisation of the online material that is going to be hosted on Action Synergy’s e-learning platform. Keilir from Iceland will lead the training courses in both Spain and Greece.
If you want to learn more about the project, visit INTEMIS’s website.

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