MMLT – Montessori Methodology in Language Training
MMLT (Montessori Methodology in Language Training) is a project which is funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission (Key Activity 2: Languages) which transferred to the language learning of adults over 20 the Montessori educational method which has been proved very efficient and successful with children until 16 years old and deals very effectively with the personalization of the education methods and the consideration of the blocks of the learners.
Action Synergy was the coordinator of the project.
The project has developed a manual for the transfer of the Montessori Method to language learning for adults and university students. In this manual the Montessori Method was adapted in order to fit the needs of language learning. The manual is available in all the partners’ languages (Greek, Italian, English, Romanian, Hungarian, and Polish). On the basis of this manual, the project has organised workshops and e-learning courses in order to train language teachers all over Europe to use the Montessori Method when delivering their language courses. The training of the teachers included the practical implementation of the method in language learners.
The project had a significant impact in many fields: it produced a new innovative methodology for teaching foreign languages to adults, it enriched trainers’ curriculum with a distinctive and modern updating, it facilitated trainers’ exchange of good practices, using a common method and enhanced trainees’ motivation in reaching their goal (learning a foreign language) more successfully.
The partners of the project included language learning organisations, universities and organisations which are expert in the Montessori Method. See partners.
The project was implemented in the period 2012 – 2014.
For more information, please visit the website of the project.
You can follow also the facebook page of the project.