eugangs photo
EUGANGS is a collaborative project carried by professionals from five countries who have 36 months to research, develop and accredit at national level a new vocational / professional qualification for those working in Gang and Youth Crime environments across Europe.
Although gangs are prevalent in most large cities across the EU, there is no systematic, well supported and cohesive vocational training programme that addresses the structural, social, cultural psychological and public policy context in which gang activism emerges and operates.
Eugangs follows a lifelong learning framework and in order to encourage further transfer partners will explore insertion of the training programmes onto The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).
EUGANGS develops a new training trainers programme, supported with a trainer’s guide and resources to enable those with experience of working in this field to be formally accredited and become trainers either in formal, non-formal or informal VET (Vocational education and training) provision. A modular approach is being delivered and supported by developing an e-learning platform.
EUGANGS anchors the knowledge, skills and competences of those touched by gang culture enabling a sustainable learning process evolve to create a qualification which is not only theoretically sound but is credible, based on real life experiences. This is achieved through careful and effective consultation with all stakeholders from public / private services, community activists and gang members themselves within NGOs, employees in local businesses located in gang afflicted communities.
The project is being implemented by a consortium of 7 partners from 5 countries. It is coordinated by TITAN Partnership from UK and Action Synergy is participating as a partner. More information about the project can be found at the project’s website and the facebook page.
Extra material
The summary and the full report of UCB’s Craig Pinkney and Keir Irwin Rogers on Social Media as a catalyst and trigger for youth violence.