Andrea Czentovic Fontana (EUGEN)

My internship experience in Action Synergy was absolutely amazing. I want to tell you more about it. These three months have been rich of pleasant surprises. When I attended my master degree in EU project management I was expecting to work soon with Erasmus+ combining my recent professional path with my great passion for education and social issues. I really didn’t expect to do it in Greece thanks to an other Erasmus+ project.


From Peer to Peer in Budapest


The second meeting of From Peer to Peer took place in Budapest last week and it was hosted by Wesley János School. The project is a European Erasmus + project that aims to contribute to a better education from the point of view of social inclusion, combating discrimination, segregation and bullying. In this sense, it aims to provide support and tools to schools that address situations of bullying and discrimination, affecting the proper growth and development of students, with the aim of achieving more inclusive educational processes, generated from the base and the people involved in phenomena as the main protagonists.


INTEMIS meeting in Porto

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The second meeting of the project INTEMIS took place in Porto and was hosted by Universidade Portucalense. The project aims to introduce ICT based Flipped Learning in VET Schools and Centers in order to increase the quality of teaching and learning, to reduce early school leaving, to decrease the number of under-skilled teenagers and ultimately to support the modernization of education and training systems. Coordinator of the project is Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Leonardo da Vinci from Italy.
