During the days 25 and 26 of November, the partners of the Erasmus+ project ASSESS met in Iznik, (Nicea) Turkey to advance in the future activities of the project. The project ASSESS has as its main objective the innovation in the assessment of the subject English through an Online Exam Creator.
(more…)SEEVAL: 2nd Transnational Meeting in Athens, Greece
Action Synergy organized this hybrid project meeting in Athens from November 22-23, 2021. Representatives from the partners from Austria, Greece, and Romania were present in Athens while the representatives from Bulgaria, Italy and Malta participated online.
The meeting was used to report on the progress of the National teacher trainings in the implementing countries Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Romania and to discuss the structure, template, and deadlines of the Trainings’ evaluation reports which will evaluate these trainings as well as to elaborate on the upcoming piloting at the participating schools.
(more…)Discussing Climate Change in Corviale
Corviale, il “Serpentone”, or “Big Snake”, a building 1 km long, the “horizontal skyscraper” in the deprived periphery of Rome was the hosting place of the 2nd transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ “Change the Change” project which took place on the 30th and 31st of July.
The civil society organisations that are active in Corviale have developed a Master Plan for the regeneration of the area which includes many aspects of Green and Environmental sustainability. These aspects were presented and discussed with the partners of the project in Mitreo, the cultural space of the community of Corviale.
(more…)BE PART- 2nd Newsletter
In the framework of the BE PART project, students in 4 schools (in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Latvia) are implementing in their schools a Youth Participation Model in order to tackle an issue that is relevant in their context.